7. Transactions
7. Transactions
The slippery Concept of a Transaction
- The transaction is aborted if some of writes in one grouped atomic transaction can not be completed.
- main idea: what happens if a client wants to make several writes but what if some fails?
- the data should always follow some rules.
- ex. in accounting system, credit sum == debit sum
- it is a property of application
- the data should always follow some rules.
- concurrently executing transactions are isolated from each other
- classic text describes isolation as serializability
- (serializability): each transaction can pretend that it is the only transaction running on the entire database
- Once a transaction has committed successfully, data written will not be forgotten, despite of hardware fault or database crash
- single-node DB : data has been written to nonvolatile storage
- replicated DB : successfully copied to some number of nodes
Single-Object and Multi-Object Operations
common philosophy: Abandon transaction entirely, rather than remain half-finished
leaderless replication : best effort
retry is good, though not perfect
transaction succeed, but network( DB → server ) failed
when failed due to overload → worse
only worth in transient errors
side effects
if client process fails while retrying, any data it was trying to write to the DB is lost
Weak Isolation Levels
transaction isolation
Rather than blindly relying on tools, we need to develop a good understanding of the kinds of concurrency problems that exist and how to prevent them.
Read committed
no dirty read : read only committed
- when updating multiple objects, keep sync/consistency
- the same result even after rollback
no dirty write : overwrite only committed
- with row-level locks
- when transaction is ongoing, others see old value.
Snapshot Isolation and Repeatable Read
Repeatable Read
- Nonrepeatable read(read skew)
- The data read at the end of the transaction is different with previous query
- Nonrepeatable read(read skew)
Snapshot Isolation
each transaction reads from a consistent snapshot of database
(see only the old data)
Readers never block writers, writers never block readers
multi-version concurrency control(MVCC)
- maintaining several version of an object side by side
- data is tagged with its transaction id(txid)
visibility rules
At the start of the transaction, make a list of proceeding transactions.
- Any write of above transactions are ignored
- Any writes made by aborted transactions are ignored.
- Any writes made by transactions with later transaction ID are ignored
Preventing lost updates
client1: read → update
client2: read - > update
client1's update is lost
Prevent by locking
- explicit lock
- compare and set
- conflict resolution and replication
Write skews and Phantoms
write skew
Transactions update two different objects concurrently and there occurs conflict.
ex. at least 2 doctors should be on_call.
- Bob changes to on_cal=false, Alice changes to on_cal=false, concurrently.
- Now less than 2 doctors are on call.
- Two different objects(record of Bob, record of Alice) are updated
restricted solution
serialization, or explicit lock on rows
a write in one transaction changes the result of a search query in another tranascation
ex. select → condition → update
between select and update, something changed.
SELECT FOR UPDATE may not help when SELECT returns 0 rows.
materializing conflict : create a table of all possible combinations, and put lock there.
the end result is the same as if they had executed one at a time, serially without any concurrency
Two-phase Locking
read : shared lock
write : exclusive lock
first phase : when the locks are acquired,
second phase : when all the locks are released
predicate lock
- lock that belongs to all objects that match some search condition
- applies even to objects that do not yet exist
index-range locking(next-key locking)
- predicate lock has not good performance.
- lock on index
Serializable Snapshot Isolation
pessimistic concurrency control
- if anything may go wrong, better wait
optimistic concurrency control
- transaction continues. If anything goes wrong, abort
- old idea
- tend to be better than pessimistic control
Serializable Snapshot Isolation is promising.
- optimistic approach
- allows transactions without blocking