
6. Partition

nanon 2021. 1. 8. 07:56

6. Partition

Partitioning of key-value data

  • key-range partitioning
    • partitioned with range
    • good for range-search
    • rebalancing by spliting into two subranges.
  • hash partitioning
    • apply hash function. might add additional random letters at the end/begining.
      • common to create fixed number of partition in advance

Partitioning and Secondary index

  • Document-partitioned index(local index)

    • secondary index is stored at the same partition with primary key and value
    • one write requires write to one partition.
    • one read may require reads from multiple partitions
  • Term-partitioned index(global index)

    • secondary indices are partitioned too. Based on term

    • one write may require write to multiple partitions

    • one read only require read from one partition.

      Rebalancing Partitions

      Strategies for rebalancing

    • fixed number of partitions

      • create more partitions than the number of nodes and spread it when node is added.
      • Number of partitions does not change. But the number of partition per nodes changes.
    • dynamic partitioning

      • Similar with the top level of B-tree
      • Suitable for key range partitioned data, but hash-partitioned can also use it.
    • Partitioning proportionally to nodes.

      • When new node joins the cluster, randomly choose the node to split and half of the data are moved.

      Automatic? Manual?

    • due to the overhead and risk of rebalancing, manual commit should join the process

      Request Routing

      3 ways

    • client contact any node → if it does not have right partition, forward.

    • client contact to routing tier like zookeeper

    • client be aware of the partitioning

      Common issue

    • how to make routing decisions?

    • hard problem.

    • in case of Zookeeper,

      • each node registers itself in Zookeeper.
      • Zookeeper maintains the authoritative mapping of partitions to nodes. Whenever t